Network recovery after the hack

Today we live in a world of "when." And when you're affected by a security breach, you need to think beyond just data protection and backup. You need a clear plan for network recovery after the hack that doesn't rely on the network itself or slow trips to remote sites for "sneaker net" repairs. This [...]

Critical infrastructure cybersecurity gains new awareness

It's a common refrain that when it comes to critical infrastructure cybersecurity, it's not a matter of if; it's a matter of when. Cyberattacks around the world have shown the potential dangers of such an attack. Industrial control systems (ICS) are increasingly under attack, with the number of reported incidents in the US alone up 17 percent [...]

Healthcare IT networks front line for cyberattacks

The month of August has seen a surge in cyberattacks on healthcare IT networks in the US using the Locky ransomware, a more highly evolved and effective version of the CryptXXX family of ransomware. Locky is so named because it locks down files and demands payment to free them and is distributed through social engineering methods. [...]

Calculating downtime cost with lots of zeros

Yesterday two high profile outages made the news. United Airlines experienced some kind of a router problem and halted flights for over an hour, and the New York Stock Exchange had to close trading for over three hours while they recovered from what was termed a software rollout issue. While not enough information has been [...]