Swift kick in the britches: the increasing cost of a data breach

The annual Ponemom Institute survey on the impacts of a data breach, while already a downer, is growing particularly gloomy as the cost continues to rise. This year, they peg the cost at $3.92 million on average. Average! For companies and organizations that fail to detect, identify and mitigate as quickly as possible, that figure [...]

Putting air bags in a 1965 Mustang?

The new US CIO, Tony Scott addressed security concerns in federal IT, especially after the recent massive data breach at the Office of Personnel Management. He said the one of the biggest challenges is protecting old and outdated IT infrastructure systems, comparing it to trying to install air bags in a 1965 Ford Mustang. It's [...]

Breach report blames the usual suspects

The annual Verizon data breach investigations report came out this week with findings that show that the biggest threats are not new or unknown, but the same vulnerabilities that have plagued IT for years. It's been said that the only difference between a problem and a solution is that people understand the solution. Maybe not [...]