FBI publishes examples of IoT risks

Tick-tock, tick-tock... with every passing day we're getting closer to those 50 billion devices that Cisco estimates will be connected to the Internet by 2020. In anticipation, security conversations around the Internet of Things (IoT) are heating up. At the September Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit,analysts said that companies need to consider a holistic [...]

Best buds? CIO/CFO collaboration

It's easy to find articles talking about how the role of the CIO is becoming more closely linked (in some cases consumed) by the CFO. The collaboration is generally attributed to the importance of IT in every aspect of corporate profitability. While the financial success of an enterprise requires cooperation across the entire C-suite, today [...]

Putting air bags in a 1965 Mustang?

The new US CIO, Tony Scott addressed security concerns in federal IT, especially after the recent massive data breach at the Office of Personnel Management. He said the one of the biggest challenges is protecting old and outdated IT infrastructure systems, comparing it to trying to install air bags in a 1965 Ford Mustang. It's [...]

Does cybersecurity start in the corner office?

While the buck stops at the CEO's desk, are they really the ones who should be driving corporate cybersecurity? Today, since the damage caused by a cyber breach rivals that of a terrible business decision, it only makes sense that the c-suite should be fully invested in corporate cybersecurity. The only thing that's keeping pace [...]