The Uplogix Blog: Beyond Out-of-Band

Tech Modernization Fund spends money to save money
The infant federal government Tech Modernization Fund is facing challenges just two years into its implementation and receiving continued funding might hinge on lawmakers understanding the fundamental goal of the fund. The Fund, or TMF, was designed to provide an incentive pool for funding projects aimed at retiring legacy systems in favor of newer, more

DoS attack strikes renewable energy company
sPower, a Utah-based renewable energy company fell victim to a denial-of-service (DoS) attack that disrupted communications between the company and a dozen generation sites. During the incident, each site experienced one five-minute outage that was attributed to a known vulnerability on a Cisco firewall. The firewall issues were already known, and the devices were on

The convergence of information & operational technology
Increasingly it’s becoming standard practice for operational technology (OT) to move over IT networks. While OT and IT aren’t quite an oil and water relationship, the two have very different histories in this shotgun wedding scenario. Both play a huge role in the not-just-marketing hype of Industry 4.0. IT has been tasked with data moving

Cisco certification changes coming in 2020
Many of our best customers started off as a conversation with a CCIE or CCNA at Cisco Live. As certified networking experts they immediately saw the value of Uplogix in their networks. Cisco is now looking to ensure the value of a Cisco certification is keeping pace with market expectations for networking knowledge. “Infrastructure is

Swift kick in the britches: the increasing cost of a data breach
The annual Ponemom Institute survey on the impacts of a data breach, while already a downer, is growing particularly gloomy as the cost continues to rise. This year, they peg the cost at $3.92 million on average. Average! For companies and organizations that fail to detect, identify and mitigate as quickly as possible, that figure

Meet Uplogix: James Dollar, Chief Architect
In this month’s Meet Uplogix, Chief Architect and founder James Dollar talks a little bit about what drives him and what he does when he’s not pushing Uplogix to be the best out-of-band management solution around (hint: it’s not sleep!).
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