The Uplogix Blog: Beyond Out-of-Band

Uplogix White Paper
Cellular Strategies for Securely Connecting Local Managers to the Control Center While Out-of-Band Introduction A key feature of the Uplogix Local Manager is its ability to spin up an out-of-band connection when the primary in-band network connection fails. When using a cellular modem, a Local Manager can take advantage of high-speed LTE data transfer and

Episode 3 | Automatic Recovery with ROMmon mode with Matt ft. Electric Jellyfish IPA
Episode 3 | Austin Beers and Network Gear In this series, get a taste of an Austin, Texas brewed beer as well as learn a little about Uplogix Out-of-Band Management. Today Uplogix Sales Engineer Matt Drechsler shows how Uplogix can detect a router in ROMmon mode and recover it automatically using locally cached OS and

Episode 2 | Port Forwarding for Secure Server Access with Adam ft. 512 Porter
Episode 2 | Austin Beers and Network Gear In this series, hear a little about an Austin, Texas brewed beer as well as learn a little about Uplogix Out-of-Band Management. Today Uplogix Sales Engineer Adam Thompson shows how to use port forwarding to securely access server baseboard management over an out-of-band connection.

Episode 1 | In-Band vs. Out-of-Band with James ft. Celis White Witbier
2 Minute Intro to Uplogix | Going Beyond Out-of-Band: Uplogix is designed for the challenges of remotely managing enterprise network infrastructure while reducing cost, complexity, and downtime. We go Beyond Out-of-Band providing network Independence for automated management actions with secure remote access. Complex networking tasks are simplified in an easy-to-use platform with US-based technical support.

Meet the Fifth Generation Hardware for Out-of-Band Management
The new Uplogix LM83X and LM80 platforms deliver faster processing, greater storage, and more connectivity options for out-of-band management and network automation. Both platforms utilize 1.2 GHz Quad Core Arm Cortex-A72 64-bit processors for faster response and automation. Roughly four times faster than previous Uplogix hardware, the new platforms can run rules and rulesets more

Overview Video
2 Minute Intro to Uplogix | Going Beyond Out-of-Band: Uplogix is designed for the challenges of remotely managing enterprise network infrastructure while reducing cost, complexity, and downtime. We go Beyond Out-of-Band providing network Independence for automated management actions with secure remote access. Complex networking tasks are simplified in an easy-to-use platform with US-based technical support.
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